Abigail is currently working toward traditional publication of young adult fantasy novels. After twelve years of writing code for her day job, she retired to write full-time. She lived in the Seattle area for 17 years, but recently moved to Jacksonville, FL with her husband and their two school-aged boys.
Abigail flies her nerd flag proudly. She grew up watching She-Ra and Xena; nowadays she has appointment TV with the MCU and Doctor Who. With her kids watching movies and Disney owning most of her fandoms, she streams a lot of Disney+. Her author idol is Robin McKinley, but she would also kill for blurbs from Mary E. Pearson, Margaret Rogerson, Naomi Novik or Maggie Stiefvater.
If she could be anywhere right now, she would be on a beach holding a drink that has a little umbrella in it. (Living in Florida helps with that.)
She studied computer science and German at the University of Michigan, where she received a Hopwood Underclassmen Fiction Award for her short story “Weather Gods.” She also won first place in the short story category of the 2017 PNWA Literary Contest for “Boundless as the Sea.”