The short version: you’ll notice that when you navigate to my website now, you will automatically get the https version (in your browser you’ll see something like the green locked padlock below). I don’t sell anything (directly!); the only reason for the secured connection is to keep any Nation State Actors from tracking what you…
Affect vs. Effect: Grammar Help You Can Remember
These two words, affect and effect, cause a great deal of consternation in English, no doubt because they sound similar and each can be either a noun or a verb. The quickest rule of thumb is that, in most cases, you affect something (verb) and cause an effect (noun). Side note: the noun affect is…
How to Lower Your Expectations Without Giving Up: A Reframing Exercise
Since having my second baby, I’ve constantly struggled with my frustration at not getting enough done. I’m have more resources than many moms, but I also have overly demanding expectations of myself. When I ran out of resources to throw at the “no time” problem, there was only one thing left to change. You might…
Loose or lose? Grammar help you can remember!
(The second in a series.) Like many similar words, loose and lose are easy to confuse because they look and sound similar. Also, because English is confusing, loose can be an adjective or a verb. So here’s a little quip to help you out: You can loose a goose that’s caught in a trap, But…
Lead, lead or led? Grammar Help You Can Remember!
The verb to lead rhymes with need, speed, and indeed, but the past tense is led that rhymes with dead. The famously dense metal lead also rhymes with dead. Here’s a quip to help you remember: Lead in the water led Flint to disaster, but “lead dead redemption” could come to be if only its…
Five Stages of (Self-)Editing (PNWA 2015 Session Round-up)
Every writer has to self-edit, even if it’s only to get your work in shape to send to beta readers and agents. There are many resources out there for what to look for when editing (my latest fave), but very little about how to go about doing so effectively. If you’re looking for the latter,…
Tread-desk: Day 3
I have now used a treadmill desk (tread-desk) for three days, and I like it a lot more than I expected! If you’ve ever considered using one, I recommend trying it out. Here’s what I like and dislike, as well as some additional considerations. Awesome: The biggest benefit was actually something completely unexpected: walking keeps…
Making S.M.A.R.T. resolutions
It’s almost 2016! How did this happen?! I was thinking over possible New Year’s resolutions and, as usual, bemoaning that I haven’t achieved any of my writing goals yet. My dear husband asked, “Well, when will you be done? How can you break this up into small steps and turn them into a list you…
Edgy Inspirational Fiction (PNWA 2015 session round-up)
This session was a surprisingly fun and interactive presentation from J.D. DeWitt. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, but it ended up being a great advice and encouragement session for Christian authors. She started with the basics, which was good, because I’m not too familiar with the world of faith-based publishing. Until recently, it…
MG or YA? How do you know? (PNWA 2015 session round-up)
Saturday morning, the last main day of the conference, was the earliest start time of all—8 am! Attendance at all the first sessions was pretty light, but we had a great time at the “Elements of Young Adult and Middle Grade,” a panel discussion with two authors (Janet Lee Carey and Brian Mercer) and two…